AAFA works to support public policies that will benefit people with asthma and allergies. Advocacy and public policy work are important for protecting the health and safety of those with asthma and allergies. We advocate for federal and state legislation as well as regulatory actions that will help you. We focus on both medical and environmental issues. We are working to make sure you have access to high quality, affordable, evidence-based care, and treatments.
AAFA’s Key Policy Issues
AAFA works with our community and other stakeholders to help shape laws and regulations that affect people with asthma and allergies. Priority issues vary from year to year, but in general include the following key priorities:
- Access to Health Care: Promote access to affordable, quality healthcare for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of asthma and allergies
- Access to Medications: Promote access to affordable medicines, improve drug assistance programs, and ensure students have their asthma/allergy medicines at school
- Climate and Health: Promote climate resiliency and climate change readiness and improve clean air standards
- Food Allergies: Promote guidelines-based care in child care settings, improve food allergen labeling, and fund food allergy research
- Healthy Settings: Improve accommodations and access to healthy settings in homes, schools, and workplaces; promoting better indoor air quality
- Health Disparities: Promote health equity to improve care and save lives
- Federal Funding: Continue funding for basic, clinical, preventive and health services research; promote prevention, screening, and lifestyle interventions that help people with asthma and allergies
We work to ensure people with asthma and allergies have high quality heath care, access to treatment options, and live in healthy environments.
How Can You Get Involved?
Advocacy is speaking out on issues that you care about or offering your opinion and suggestions for how to improve something to the people who are in control. It is important for policymakers to hear directly from you about your experiences.
Together, we need to find ways to address the complicated questions and issues related to asthma and allergies. You can take several steps towards advocating for access to affordable quality care right now.
Our Guiding Principles
Every day, your health care involves decisions made by you, your doctor, your family, your caregivers and by policymakers. AAFA’s patient-centered principles guide our policy and advocacy efforts on behalf of those with asthma and allergies. These principles reflect our deep commitment to evidence-based decision-making.
Download PDF: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Guiding Principles for Patient-Centered Public Policy